Sunday, 31 May 2020

Geography Class X :: Ch 4 Agriculture (Notes)

Geography class X :: Ch 4 Agriculture (Notes)

Note:: Instructions

1) Do notes in your Geography register.

2) Write neatly .

3) Don't miss any point.

4) Write all forms of questions

5) Highlight key points.

Sequence of work  for Ch 4 Agriculture (Geography)

1) Make mind maps of  Ch 4 Agriculture .

2) Do notes of  Ch 4 Agriculture  which  are uploaded on blog.

3)Notes should be written neatly , all key words should be underlined,  answers should be written in points, all forms of questions should be written ,no point should be skipped.

4)All Work to be done in Political Science register.

5)  Work should be NEAT and answers should be written in Points

Submission of work

1) Submit notes of CH 4 Agriculture on 8 th  June i.e Monday.

2) All students will submit their work through Teams Chat box. Accordingly you will be given grades.Punctuality is highly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Maam i have done notes before mindmap
